Setting Up Temporary Heating and Cooling at the Workplace

Many American work outdoors, such as those in the construction industry, not to mention letter carriers and park rangers, among others. This means that those employees are constantly exposed to the day’s temperatures, and in winter or summer, this may result in some uncomfortable or even dangerous temperature or humidity extremes. The goods is that modern temporary heating, cooling, and dehumidifier units can help cool down or warm up workers who are outside for hours on end. In particular, this is important for construction workers, who are hard at work the entire time and stay in the same location. This means that dehumidifier rental and finding temporary cooling and temporary heating can work well when these units are rented and set up on the premises. Any responsible foreman will have the right temporary heating or cooling units either on hand or available for rent, and they may look online such as “temporary heating near me.” Who else might make use of portable temporary heating or cooling units, and why?

Hazards of the Weather

Working outdoors may be pleasant in a spring or autumn afternoon, but during a hot summer day or a windy winter evening, extremes of temperatures can be a proper hazard, and OSHA has set up some guidelines for weather management. No one can properly control the weather, but portable units can be brought on hand to warm up workers, provide cool air, or lower the humidity within a partly complete building in a construction project. While OSHA’s regulations for temperature only apply to indoor workplaces (minimum 68 degrees F and maximum 76 degrees F), there are no true regulations for outdoor temperatures. Still, a responsible foreman or other manager will know how and why they should set up temperature control units.

In winter, it is vital to have temporary heating and proper clothing available for outdoor workers, such as construction workers. Hypothermia can be a real threat, especially if there is a wind chill. Medically, hypothermia takes place when the human body’s internal temperature gets below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and this can be dangerous. Even if that does not happen, very cold air may make workers miserable and slow them down anyway, so countermeasures can be taken. Workers should wear coats, parkas, gloves, boots, and even protective goggles against strong winds if need be, and managers may provide hot drinks as well during break times. And of course, portable heater units will emit hot air nearby, and these heat emitters may be most useful inside partially complete buildings where cold air won’t negate their effects as much. Many heaters will run electricity through exposed wires, and then blow air past those hot wires to create warm air.

The opposite may be done in hot weather, such as during summer. Here, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the main risks, and workers may become dehydrated if they sweat a lot and don’t replenish their fluids. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke may make a worker weak in the body and even cause them to collapse, and workers’ compensation may enter the picture. Foremen can avoid this scenario by providing portable cooling units which can blow cold air, and dehumidifier units may be set up inside the partially done building. Water is known for trapping heat, and humid air can make it feel warmer than it really is. Therefore, leeching the humidity out of the air can help workers regulate their body temperature better, and it may also lower rates of allergies as well.

What else can be done? During hot weather, workers may be provided with cold water and other drinks during frequent work breaks, and these workers are encouraged to wear light, breathable clothing that helps them keep cooler. Some brands of shirts or under-shirts are known for making garments ideal for this job. This clothing may also involve lighter colors so that the fabric doesn’t absorb as much heat. White fabric, for example, will reflect all colored light and thus help keep it cooler. Black or other dark fabrics do much the opposite, and should be avoided during hot times of the year outdoors.

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