Contractors are a necessity, even when an individual is well learned in the business of home repair and improvement. A contractor is trained in so much more than simply measuring and installing. There is a lot more to the business than meets the naked eye!
When a homeowner or business owner makes the decision to improve, repair, or add onto their property, first consulting two or three contractors is the first move they typically make. Most people, about 31%, choose to remodel their kitchen, replacing dated cabinets, floors, and appliances with newer, energy efficient models. The next most popular renovation is usually a bathroom, or a master bathroom, with between 22% and 26% of homeowners making this their first project. Lastly, 23% of people renovate their living room or family room.
Of homeowners wishing to redesign a bathroom, 79% will choose to install a glass shower door, which would include the entire enclosure. In addition, 91% of people asked said that, when remodeling their bathroom, they would choose to install a new toilet that is energy efficient. It is estimated that two projects such as finishing an attic and remodeling a bathroom will bring the homeowner a return of up to 75% of the cost of the renovation.
With 85% of U.S. homes having been built before 1980, there are a great many improvement projects that may need to be done upon the purchase of a house. Many new homeowners will invest in home renovations as soon as the home is officially theirs. They will update kitchens and bathrooms, rip out old carpeting and install new flooring, and build a deck or patio in the back yard, with lots of bells and whistles. These are just a few of the redesign projects that can be done. If the roof is found to need repairs or replacement, the new owners may need to address that issue soon after closing. Bringing electrical and plumbing up to date are also a common project for new homeowners, and will very likely be necessary when updating a kitchen or bathroom.
Generally, hiring contractors will take away much of the stress of these projects. A contractor will supply all of the equipment and tools needed for the designated jobs. They provide the vehicles needed, the required labor, and necessary services. Contractors will hire the needed subcontractors for the many different steps to be carried out along the way to achieving the homeowner’s goals. A residential general contractor is basically a contractor who formulates and carries out remodel projects of larger proportions. When several subcontractors will be necessary for the work that needs to be done, the general contractor is the one who does the hiring and directs the work. For smaller redesign projects, the services of a home improvement contractor is what is needed. This type of contractor will take care of things such as landscaping, and installing windows and siding. Each of these professionals perform necessary and important tasks along the way, and one is as needed as the other.