Are you a new homeowner? Maybe you have owned homes for decades, but you have never really understand how heating and cooling works in your house. You simple call a mechanic or another worker to handle any issues that arise with your heating and air conditioning or you replace both the air conditioning unit and heating units whenever they seem to not do their job properly. While you may never have the skill set or knowledge to repair or replace your own heating and cooling units at home, you can build a foundation for understanding what they do, how they work and how to get the best use of both the heating and air conditioning to save you money, energy and time in the long run.
So, what are some important things you should know about your heating and cooling to make sure you are not wasting any money each month or on repairs and replacements when you do not really need them? Keep reading to learn all about your air conditioning unit, boiler and heating units.
1. How the heating in your home should work
There is plenty to know about how heating works in your home so you get the best deal every month and every year on your heating and energy bills. No one wants to be cold in their own home when they have a heating unit that should be doing its job properly.
In the United States, 57 percent of homes use natural gas as their heating fuel making it the most common form of heating fuel used. This is definitely another thing to consider when you are making your homeowner decisions.
When you purchase a heating unit, you want to make sure it is a newer model. The law states that gas furnaces must be 78 percent efficient at least. That is lowest level of efficiency that can be sold to homeowners. If you purchase a new model, though, you can find gas furnaces that are up to 97 percent efficient. That is clearly the better option as it is almost 100 percent efficient when installed in your home.
When you buy a furnace, you have to think about it as an investment. It will last for 15 to 18 years. It may cost quite a bit upfront, but you do not want to skimp and get a less efficient one or one that will not last as long it should.
2. How air conditioning units in your home should work
Air conditioners are a little bit more time consuming than heating units in a home. For instance, they generally require maintenance every once in awhile in order to keep them up and running efficiently. Each year, homeowners in the United States spend around $11 billion on air conditioners and maintenance. Even so, the majority of homes in the United States still purchase and use air conditioners. Around two-thirds of homes in the United States have them.
There are a couple of ways to cut air conditioning costs and to make sure you are getting the most out of your air conditioner. First, you can switch to high-efficiency air conditioners. This will help keep your house cooler. It also reduces the amount of energy used which will cut some of your bills. Overall, you could cut energy by 20 to 50 percent.
Additionally, there are other things you can do to keep your home cool besides blasting the air conditioning and wasting it. Ductwork can cause issues with the air conditioning and heating. It can cause you to lose cold and hot air. In general, it can result in 30 to 40 percent of energy consumption for space conditioning.
One way to avoid this is by checking out mini split cooling and heating systems to see if that works better for you and your home.
Have you ever had call heating and air conditioning services to repair or replace your heating and cooling? Do you have the most efficient venting and cooling unit in your home? Let us know about your experience with heating and cooling in your home.