There are many preparations that need to be made before a new baby comes. In addition to preparing financially and getting all of the necessary baby supplies, a room also needs to be set up for the new baby. The nursey will hold the baby?s crib, clothing, and other baby related supplies. Designing a nursery poses many challenges. The mother is pregnant and should not be around harmful paint ingredients. The type of paint used should also be considered for the health of the new baby.
Keeping the mother safe
Many professionals believe that the ingredients in paint can harm the mother and the unborn baby. This is likely as the majority of paint products contain very harsh of materials. While it is best for the father or another family member to handle the painting tasks, this is not always possible. Fortunately, there are some safer paint materials on the market. These paint products contain lower levels of VOCs and are less likely to harm both the mother and the unborn baby. However, respiratory protection should still always be used when using any type of chemical product while pregnant.
Consider the babies protection
Many of the fumes in paint are lost when the paint dry?s. However, if the paint were to peel or to be consumed, it could become dangerous. Babies are constantly grabbing and putting their mouths on cribs, walls, and chairs. If these items are covered in dangerous paint products, it could be result in health problems. According to Sweden?s Dampness in Buildings and Health study, children with bedroom PGE concentrations in the top 25% (of the study participants) had a 100% higher chance of having asthma, a 150% higher chance of having eczema, and a 320% higher chance of having rhinitis.
The same safer paint products that are used by the mother should be considered in the nursery, regardless of who is doing the painting. Crib safe paint will protect the baby both when breathing in the crib and when putting its mouth along the edges of the crib. Additionally, if any of the paint is to peel off, consumption of crib safe paint is not as dangerous as other types of paint with harsher of ingredients.
Anti slip importance when it comes to paint
Anti slip paint is another good idea when it comes to painting a nursery. Anti slip paint uses include the crib, the walls, and the flooring. When your new baby becomes walking age and is attempting to gain their control, slippery floors can cause them to fall over and over again. If your nursery is not covered in carpet, it should at least be covered with a crib safe paint that is also baby room safe paint with anti slipping characteristics.
The importance of checking baby supplies
New parents do not always have control over the paint that is used in their baby supplies. For example, if you purchase a new crib, you are unlikely to paint it. It is, however, important to research what type of paint was used on that new crib. The best way to fully protect your new baby is to use only supplies that contain the best paint for a baby crib. Crib safe paint will protect your baby from peeling or cracking of the paint.
Baby proof paint can also help with sensitivities and allergies. Studies have shown that levels of several organics average two to five times higher indoors than outdoors and when inhaled, they can contribute to several health problems. Make sure you are not trading out paint products that claim to be organic, but are actually more dangerous to your baby?s health.
It can be difficult to keep up with all of the required baby preparations. One of the most important responsibilities, however, is to provide your new baby with a sanitary and healthy room. It is important that this room is free of allergens and harmful paint products. This is crucial for both baby and mom?s health.