If you’re putting your home on the market, it’s worth considering putting just a little more money into your house with home improvement repairs. Even though you’re selling, updating your roofing or windows can make a big difference in getting your home sold quickly. Potential home buyers won’t want to purchase a home that will need a total roof replacement in the next few years and new home windows can do a lot in terms of sealing off drafts and upgrading the way your home looks from the outside. Another good home improvement to tackle is working on your landscaping, which has a high return on investment. If you’re eager to settle into your new place, consider contacting roofers, contractors to help you with new window installation, or professional landscapers to get your yard whipped into shape.
What Do I Need to Know About Roofing and Roofers?
Replacing your roof is costly, but has many long-term benefits. Replacing a 2,200 to 2,600 square foot roof will run you between $1,000 and $4,000 if you do it yourself (which isn’t always advised) and about $2,000 to $8,500 when you bring in the professionals. A word to the wise: unless you’re a professional roofer or have prior experience, it’s usually best to let the professionals do it. The job will get done more efficiently and likely at a higher quality.
It’s also worth bearing in mind what kind of roof you’re looking to replace your old one with. Generally asphalt roofs last between 15 to 25 years. Galvanized metal roofs can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years, whereas stainless steel and aluminum roofs can last up to 50 years!
You’ll want to find a roofer who carries insurance and who is local — you know where their business is located and you may even be able to contact others in your community for testimonies or referrals. Don’t forget to get all contract details in writing — make a paper trail for yourself.
Why Should I Get New Windows?
Though replacing your windows costs an average of $500 per window (it tends to fluctuate between $300 to $700, depending on the quality and where you live), with the right maintenance, they can last 20 years or more, depending on the quality and their material.
Furthermore, you may recoup some of that initial investment on your energy bills. Drafty windows can make your energy bills 10-25% higher than they otherwise would be.
Additionally, good quality dual-paned windows are twice as effective at keeping in heat and air conditioning as single paned windows from twenty years ago.
Pointing out to prospective home buyers that you have energy efficient windows (that are new!) can make your house an even bigger catch than before. Plus, new windows can “cheer up” the appearance of an older home, especially if they’re kept freshly washed and/or painted.
What are Landscaping Tips I Should Know About?
You want to work with the land, light, and climate you’ve got. Many people opt to use local flora and fauna, as it can be hardier and blend in well with the lay of the land. Think what aspects of your house and yard you want accented and plan strategically. Having a flower bed at the front of your house or window boxes can make a home seem welcoming and cared for, giving an excellent first impression.
For your sake (and the sake of future owners), leave plenty of room for mowing ease when planning your landscape design. And it never hurts to get a professional landscaper in to offer suggestions, especially if you’re pulling out all the stops for potential home buyers. In some cases, less is more — you want enough landscaping to show that your home is well cared for, but perhaps not too much, so that potential buyers can create their own vision for the place.
Keeping these three home improvement tips in mind can get you well on the way towards finding a buyer for your old home — so you can settle into your new one!