Have you recently invested in new carpet for your home? If so, then you are likely stressing a bit about steaming, vacuuming, carpet cleaning repairs, and more. Well, with help from a professional carpet cleaning company, the floors in your home will stay in better shape for a lot longer, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. In fact, carpets that are well-maintained and properly taken care of can last for well over a decade.
Check out these tips for keeping your carpet cleaner throughout time. A few small steps can make a big difference!
Hire A Professional
Hiring an expert to clean your carpets will work wonders when it comes to removing stains and odors. All kinds of dirt and debris build up in your carpet over time, even if you can’t see them, so it is important to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once per year. Have a fur baby at home? Then, it’s suggested to have your carpets steam-cleaned every six months.
The time and money invested into professional carpet care is well worth it when you consider how much you’ll save on replacing your floors. Plus, you can’t beat the cozy and welcoming aesthetic a great-looking carpet creates.
Finally, keep in mind that many companies offer a wide array of services, ranging from cleanings with advanced products, carpet cleaning repairs, tile cleaning, upholstery care, and more. If you find the right business to work with, they could easily be your one-stop shop for it all. Do some research and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You’ll find the perfect fit for your needs in no time.
Performing Regular Upkeep
Now, hiring a professional cleaning service from time to time is important, but so is maintaining your carpet on your own. In fact, vacuuming your carpet at least two times per week is suggested to keep things cleaner and in better shape. Why so often? Well, many underestimate just how much dirt, grime, and dust gets into their carpet on a regular basis. For example, the dust in your home mostly consists of dead skin cells, and most people lose around 1 million skin cells per day.
Also, consider that around 75% of people wear outdoor shoes on carpet. Even if you have strict rules in your home, that’s clearly something that is hard to avoid doing. Try to use your vacuum a couple times per week, and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes. It’s a good habit to get in to, and it’s well worth making time for.
There’s no time to lose when it comes to investing in better rug services, carpet cleaning repairs, and overall maintenance. Keep these tips in mind for a happier, healthier home, guaranteed.