The flooring in a home is deceptively important, and the kind of flooring varies heavily from room to room. For example, 38% of people planned to have carpet textures in their master bedroom, but 47% favored some kind of hardwood flooring in their homes. The one room where there’s almost no contest, however, is the kitchen. A solid 90% of homeowners prefer hardwood or some kind of tile floor patterns in their kitchen. It’s not hard to understand why; with all the cooking and food crumbs that the kitchen has to deal with, tile is definitely the way to go. But there are a lot of materials that tile can be made of. There’s ceramic tile, metal, stone, and even glass. They each have their own pros and cons, but for kitchens the best possible choice is ceramic tile. Here are a few reasons why:
- Very little upkeep. Tile in general requires little upkeep when compared to carpets and wood floor textures, but ceramic tile is pretty close to being self-sufficient. After installing some grout, all that remains is the occasional cleaning or crack filling.
- Cost. Piggy-backing off of the previous point a bit, due to requiring little upkeep, ceramic is very cost effective. It also lasts for a lot longer than most other flooring options, so replacement cost is much lower — practically nonexistent.
- Variety. Ceramic can be slapped with a finish, color, or texture to fit any home’s style. If your kitchen’s theme is ocean, you can make the tiles a light, oceanic blue. Not only that, but each tile doesn’t have to be the same color. You can, for example, put darker blue tiles at one end and have a gradual fade to lighter blues, mimicking the depths to the shallows of most beaches and oceans. The tiles can also have different sizes, for a staggering effect. Keeping with the oceanic trend, they may even be able to be arranged to look like an ocean’s waves.
There are many reasons to enjoy tiles of the ceramic variety, and this list — forgive the pun — barely scratched the surface. If you’re still unsure, there are a plethora of experts out there that would be more than happy to answer any further questions you may still have.