More and more people nowadays have opted to install pellet stoves in their homes to save on heating costs during the colder months. Pellets burned inside these stoves are usually made of a powdered material inside a pellet making machine called a pellet press, or pellet mill. In a pellet mill, small materials are combined together to create a larger material, rather than large items being broken down into smaller objects, as would be done in a grinding mill. Wood pellets are generated in a wood pellet mill. Wood pellets are the more widely used type of pellets and are usually made of types of waste created from lumber that has been milled, including sawdust. In addition, a wood pellet machine also makes pellets from the industrial waste left over from construction and the manufacture of wood furniture. The classification of pellets includes their dimensions, their actual heating value, and their composition of ash and moisture.
It is expected that by the year 2025 the need for wood pellets in North America alone will be at about five million metric tons. Right now, a single ton of wood pellets is proportionate to 2.8 barrels of no. 2 fuel oil.
It is conveniently interesting that individuals and families who have turned to incorporating the pellet stove into their homes in order to cut heating costs are actually able to purchase their own pellet press. There are several different types of pellet press machines to choose from. The biomass pellet machine is a popular type of pellet press. One of the best features of this type of pellet press is that the materials used to create the pellets have a long service life. Components of these pellets include things like corn stalks, wheat bran, corn cobs, grass, alfalfa, rice husks, and more raw materials. These are clean components, and some of them also serve to give the pellets a pleasant scent as they burn.
Statistics show that thermal conversion, the use of heat either with or without the presence of oxygen, to convert biomass components into another type of energy is 80% efficient. According to research, wood stoves are the most typical way of burning wood; the new updated models, however, have a higher heating value of 83%.
Manufacturers of the pellet press offer more than several types of these machines. Some of these include the straw pellet machine, the straw briquette machine, the wood sawdust pellet mill, the biomass pellet mill, the ball shaping machine, and many more. When considering the purchase of a home pellet press, it is best for homeowners to research their options, because there are many. Doing the homework will pay off, as it has been proven that this type of home heating is clean and cost efficient.