- Investigate the local options for getting your roof replaced. Local roofing contractors understand about the materials that work best in your climate.
- Normal circumstances, normal climate, and normal weather conditions can help a roof last as long as possible. Even in the most normal conditions, however, your roof should be inspected once or twice a year. In the event of extreme weather conditions like hail and wind, it may be necessary to have extra inspections to see if insurance will cover any damages.
- Estimates from at least two or three contractors will help you know that you are getting a good price. It is important when you are getting estimates, though, to also make sure that you check to see that the local construction contractors are providing the same services. Services from picking up the worksite on a daily basis and using a magnet to sweep the yard to make sure that all of the old nails that may have fallen.
- Energy Star qualified roof products can decrease the amount of heat transferred into a building by reflect more of the sun’s rays. As a result, this transferred heat can lower roof surface temperatures by as much as 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Deciding to get a new roof is a decision to make an investment in your home. It is a fact, that roofs do not last forever, and replacing a roof before it does damage to other parts of the house.
- A roof sometimes has to match subdivision requirements. In some neighborhoods in the midwest, for example, entire neighborhoods have to use the exact same shingles. It is important to make sure that you understand any required covenants or regulations.
- Not everyone is capable of completing a roof repair job. As tempting as it may be to save some money, the task of installing a new roof should be left to the professionals.
- Even when you think you just need a small portion of a roof repaired, it is often a good idea to get a bid for a while roof replacement. Even experienced roofers can do damage to other shingles when they are in the process of repair a damaged patch, and for this reason it is often best to simply replace an entire roof. This is especially true if the roof is 20 years old or older.
- Warranties on today’s roofing materials can be fairly comforting. Not surprising some of the most expensive composite shingles are the products that come with the longest warranties. The fact that these products are sometimes under warranty for 50 years, however, can make the financial cost easier to handle.
- Really busy roofers can be booked months in advance. The wait time for the most popular contractors can be especially long immediately following a widespread storm that includes damaging winds and hail.
- On average, most homeowners will spend somewhere between 1% and 4% of a home?s value every year on maintenance and repairs. These costs do, of course, increase as the house ages. For a $200,000 home, for instance, that is at least $2,000 in repairs annually.
- Oobviously roofers across the country can give a wide range of bid estimates. For instance, a standard 2200 to 2600 square foot complete roof replacement will cost somewhere between $1000 and $4000. The labor charges for this kind of roof, however, can vary from $2000 to $8500. For the most part, roofers charge for their labor using what are known as ?squares.? For example one 10 foot by 10 foot patch of roof makes a square, meaning the average roof has between 22 and 26 squares to be replaced.
- Fixing a roof with water damage can cost an average of $2,386. Wind damage is significantly more expensive and can total $5,757, sometimes even exceeding $10,000 or more. Fire and smoke damage roof repair often reaches $4,172.
Most homeowners look at the expensive of replacing major items like roofs, gutter, windows, and siding as an property investment. For instance, a homeowner who spends the money to replace old asphalt shingles with new composite products knows that not only will the roof protect the family and their belongings, a roof investment is money that will be returned in the future sale or value of a home.