Summer is on the way. Are you ready for long days, popsicles and the annual family camping trip?
If you haven’t called for local air condtioning repair services, then you’ll have to put all those sun-kissed dreams on hold. The weather is only getting hotter from here and the last thing you’ll want is an air conditioner that lets you down when you need it most. That’s before we even touch on the frustrating tendency for lackluster air conditioners to ruin your indoor air quality and drain your energy bill! The list below will detail all the things you should know about your HVAC system, from its current lifespan to those strange noises you hear every time you press the on button.
Did You Know?
Air conditioning is a staple of the American home. It’s estimated nearly 85% of all households in the country have some sort of air conditioning system in place! Sadly, an additional study revealed a rather depressing detail. Just 40% of homeowners will actually call a professional to perform routine maintenance on their system. That means a lot of homes with air conditioners that break down, spit out dust or suck away extra dollars with no payoff. An air conditioning repair service can make sure these are never your problems.
Hearing Noises? Call HVAC Services
Your air conditioner should be next to silent. If you hear it clanking, grinding or buzzing…it’s time to reach out to an air conditioning repair guru to give your exhausted system some medicine. Studies have shown people who schedule appointments with air conditioning services have systems that last 40% longer than the average lifespan. How much is average? Anywhere from 10 to 15 years is to be expected, though when you start nearing a decade it doesn’t hurt to start checking out the latest models.
Air Feel Grimy? Breathe Easier With A Check-Up
Your air conditioner isn’t just there to cool you off on a hot day. It’s also supposed to circulate the air and keep it clean. Indoor air pollution has been found to be up to three times worse than outdoor air pollution, so this is one detail you can’t afford to overlook if you want to remain healthy! Dust, pollen, harmful chemicals, dirt and dander are all elements that can be filtered with the aid of a smart HVAC system. If you have seasonal allergies that only get worse in the spring and summer…it’s time to double down on air conditioning repair!
Bill Too High? You Know Where To Start Looking First
Energy bills never leave a smile on our face. …Or do they? Turns out there’s a lot of stress relief to be found in a simple air conditioning check-up. The United States has been found to consume more energy for air conditioning ventures than the rest of the world combined. Want another figure? The average family will spend nearly $2,000 on energy bills alone, with nearly half of that going to heating and cooling alone. If your monthly bill seems suspiciously high, your air conditioning system should be the first place you look.
Tired Of A Lackluster HVAC? Let Your Air Conditioning Company Help You Out
Over 5% of all electricity produced in the United States comes from residential air conditioning…that should tell you something about the benefits you can gain when you make it a point to start finding air conditioner repair services in your area. If your air quality seems a little worse every time you turn your system on it’s possible you have some filters that could use a swap. These need to be changed out every one to three months (with exceptions for those that use their systems very infrequently). Strange noises or unusual energy usage could also be a sign of duct leakage. Whatever it is, a pro will spot it in an instant.
Call an air conditioning repair service this week and make sure you’re ready for everything summer has to offer!