Lighting should be more than just effective. It should be affordable.
Homeowners realize this. Businesses, too. Lighting today takes on many forms to address our needs and keep us in the green, whether it’s a circuit board light fixture in an educational setting or a halogen bulb replacement for the eco-conscious family. If you’re thinking of upgrading your lights you’re already on the right path toward saving more money every year. Commercial LED lighting is designed to give you far more light for far less energy, creating spaces that remain as inviting as possible to visitors. Choosing the right high intensity illumination takes just a little research on which type of light are best for your setting.
Learn more about modern lights and which versions will suit your needs best.
Lights haven’t always been so energy efficient. Humanity has gone from oil-fueled lanterns to the standard campfire, all to create warmth and security in everyday life. Eventually these basic needs would be refined, creating the lightbulbs and garage lighting we take for granted today. Nikola Tesla first introduced induction lighting in the late 1890s, offering countless businesses and establishments the ability to provide broad lighting for a low cost. A corn cob LED or series of acorn light fixtures could do wonders for lowering your energy bill each year.
Today lighting accounts for over 10% of energy usage in residential buildings. When it comes to commercial buildings? This figure can be as high as 20%. The Department Of Energy has been keeping track of the United States’ energy usage with multiple studies, all to provide a bigger picture on energy conservation going forward. As much as 20% of electricity generated in the country is used for lighting purposes alone. This means the function of induction lighting and halogen bulbs will only become more prominent from here.
The difference between the standard lightbulb and an LED model are stunning when compared side-by-side. The average life expectancy of a fluorescent bulb and ballast is around 20,000 hours. When you swap it out for an LED tube, however, you can get much closer to 50,000 hours. The U.S. Department Of Energy believes LED lighting has the potential to reduce American energy usage by as much as 50%, saving millions of dollars and having the ability to clear up the environment. While your standard HID headlights are 50% brighter than LED headlights, LEDs last up to 10 times longer.
Induction lighting is as capable as it is because of the lack of electrodes and filaments in its design. These cause other bulbs to burn out quickly, leaving people frustrated and constantly replacing what should be lasting much longer. Induction lighting systems have been found to have a long lifespan of up to 100,000 hours. In many cases this adds up to 60 or 70 lumens per watt. When you consider some areas requiring to be on at all times, such as garage lighting in a parking area, this is a highly valuable resource, indeed.
Today lights are showing another surge in growth that will span the course of history. The circle line fluorescent fixture and high intensity LED are providing us the happy balance of saving money while maximizing our light input. This means safer businesses, more active employees and happier customers. When you start to notice your energy bill exceeding your expectations, checking out your lights and the various models you have at your disposal is a prime way of getting to the root issue.
Could you benefit from induction lighting? Now’s a great time to find out.