Humanity has always needed energy for labor and production, and for much of history, animal and human labor provided that energy, such as at a blacksmith’s shop or a horse-drawn carriage. The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s brought about factories, trains, and steam power on a new scale, along with all the energy needed for those machines. The late 1800s also introduced electricity, which allowed for the telephone, radio, light bulbs, and more. Finally, the 20th and 21st century standardized fossil fuel-powered power plants and nuclear energy plants, but clean energy such as solar panels and wind farm turbines also appeared. Now, in the 21st century, a solar panel installation company can be hired to install residential solar panels or huge arrays of panels out in the wilderness, collecting sunlight every day for power. There are many benefits to hiring a solar panel installation company, as solar panels are often proving a promising new form of energy. How does this work?
The Benefits of Solar Power
Why might someone hire a solar panel installation company to set up these panels on their property? For one, solar power has proven popular because it does not pollute at all. Unlike fossil fuel-powered plants, solar panels (and wind farms, for that matter) produce no byproducts whatsoever from their work, no matter how much power they generate. This is in the face of global concern of air pollution and climate change, partly caused by fossil fuel power plants around the world. Solar panel arrays can gradually take over the energy-production duty while phasing out power plants, cutting back on pollution but not on power production.
What is more, solar power exists on an astronomical scale. It comes from the sun, which produces truly vast amounts of energy every day. More solar power flows across the Earth than is used in all of industrial civilization at any time, meaning that in theory, solar power could provide 100% of all of humanity’s power needs, now and in the future, too. And unlike a coal seam or a natural gas pocket, the sun cannot be simply mined out; it will shine for another five billion years, and the sun suffers no loss from solar panels collecting its light. For all intents and purposes, solar energy is indefinite, and it is limited only by the number of solar panels built to collect it.
Solar panel technology has advanced since it was first pioneered in the 1970s, and these panels are driving technological innovation and also create many jobs (as the green energy movement tends to do). Finally, solar panels are quite flexible, since a solar panel installation company can be asked to install them on any scale, large or small. Some arrays are built on homes, and others are industrial-scale arrays out in the wilderness. Both models are viable for sunlight collection.
Installing Those Panels
A solar panel installation company may be hired by private American citizens to install a few panels on a client’s own roof. These crews will set up the brackets on the house’s roof, then install the panels and set up all the wiring throughout the house. Official inspectors will look over the site to ensure that it is safe and properly installed, and then the house is disconnected from the public power grid and the solar panels are activated. From then on, the house will get all of its power from that roof array, and excess energy may even be sent to the local power plant for a profit. Either way, being disconnected from the power grid allows the house to pay off those solar panels over time. Companies may do the same, with solar panels placed on the roofs of commercial buildings.
Meanwhile, solar panels can be built in massive arrays that collect power on an industrial scale, typically to power local neighborhoods or even entire city blocks. These arrays are often out in the wilderness where they won’t get in anyone’s way, and hundreds or even thousands of panels can be found in these arrays. The states of Texas and California often build these huge arrays, since those states have ample room for them along with sunny, relatively cloudless climates ideal for sunlight exposure. This makes solar power even more efficient and productive.