Biker gives away his motorcycle to the Forgotten Angels charity via a raffle. Originally listed as “used motorcycle for sale,” the gentleman in this video ultimately decided to give the bike away courtesy of a raffle. 100% of the proceeds of this raffle are to go to the Forgotten Angels. Everyone who watches this video comes away with their faith in humanity restored.
What Is Taking Place on This Video?
Video is from the view of the rider and gives the viewer a first-hand perspective on what it is like to drive this motorcycle. His ride also features other bikers along for the event. This gives the viewer an idea of what a group ride is like and how much fun it can be. The winner of the raffle can participate in events such as this when he or she obtains the bike. This should encourage more people to buy raffle tickets to win this bike.
What Is the Purpose for This Ride?
As part of the day’s events, this biker stops at a place called The Ride Factory to give people a close-up look at the motorcycle that is being raffled off. Until now, they had only seen it in videos or photographs. He and his friends arrive to find a packed house. One of the reasons for this stop today is to tell people what the Forgotten Angels is all about and why it is so important to buy raffle tickets to support this charity.
Happenings at the Party
The rider’s experience continues in the party-like atmosphere of this location. He shows off all the positive features of the motorcycle and explains why he is raffling it off. He then goes on to tell observers all about his charity. This biker thanks the staff of this event location for taking care of him and introduces them to video viewers in a subtle plug for the merchant. Once again, this merchant is The Ride Factory and they are very supportive of the rider and his charity.
Where To Find This Video?
It may be found on YouTube and/or Instagram. Also in the video, although not a focus of the participants, several other bikes that are gorgeous. All motorcycle riders at this stop are enjoying themselves and also making a positive contribution to The Forgotten Angels charity raffle.
Side Notes on Today’s Events
This biker adds some descriptive commentary by talking about the various motorcycles that are present at The Ride Factory during his visit. There are all sorts of bikes here, gorgeous ones, not so fancy ones, large bikes, smaller bikes. Everybody is having a great time while contributing to his charity and it all began with a used motorcycle for sale. Fantastic!!