Ok, ok, ok, you know today is rally the first day of June, but you want to squeeze in one last Mother’s Day acknowledgment and then you promise you will move on to your dads. This precious woman thinks of absolutely everything. From the latest door and cabinet hardware and accessories to the most clever replacement waste bins for your elementary classrooms, she has an eye.
And even though you are not exactly impartial, you are certain your mom must be one of the sweetest people you have ever met. She is the mom of not just you, but two other daughters and she has helped all three of you navigate many challenges and transitions. She has shared her most prized possessions with you and your sisters, but still manages to have her own home looking great. And while there are many tangible things you can point to to prove her value, this Mother’s Day month you decided to take as many photos as possible of her. Alone in her kitchen. Of her helping you transform your first apartment into a real home. Of her looking her best as she leaves for a wedding. Of her simply dong another clean up with soap and water. Your just want to create images that will be passed down through their family for years and generations to come. You are literally writing your family history in the form of photos of your mom.
And even though it is the first of June and you promised that you would give the same photographic attention to your day, for just one more day you want to celebrate the woman that is your mom.
Making a House a Home Requires Attention to Many Little Details
Both of your parents actually have a way of welcoming everyone into their family in such immeasurable ways. You mo is willing to pitch in not only when you moved into your first apartment, she also knew how to make your previous dorm rooms that you shared with a roommate seem like a perfect home away from home. From repurposing furniture that she has held onto for years to finding replacement waste bins that can add color to even the smallest of spaces, there are many times when your mom has helped you embrace any new space where you have lived.
And you know the best part of that all? She does so with such grace and ease, while emanating both joy and light. If it is possible, she is even more beautiful inside than she is on the outside. She is patient, kind, generous, and a dedicated mother. And she’s not only a role model to three daughters, but to many of your friends as well. She is a true testament to the beauty that is motherhood.
It certainly comes as no surprise that as many as 14% of home owners in 2018 planned to make improvements to their kitchens, but you are certain that many of your projects went better because you had your mom as a guide. With her tasteful selection of kitchen organizers, kitchen waste bins, and replacement waste bins for both your home and your classroom where you teach, your mom makes you look great to anyone who walks into your space.
The statistics show that home owners remodel more than 10.2 million kitchens and 14.2 million bathrooms every year, but your mom has a way of making even a one bedroom rental apartment look great. Tomorrow you will focus on your father, but today you will linger with your mom one more day!