Most homeowners are interested in increasing the value of their home. These days what brings in the best ROI, or return on investment, are upgraded kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor space. Especially when winter is on its way out, and thoughts of spring and summer begin to again become a reality, people start to think about how they can transform their yard into outdoor living at its finest.
When taking a vacation is not a possibility, for whatever the reason, there is an alternative. The STAYcation, or vacation at home, has become very appealing to a lot of homeowners who just are not financially set for time away, or, because of their work schedule, do not have the time to spend away from the job. Deciding to go with the staycation idea, many homeowners will also begin to look into enhancing their yard, thereby creating their staycation hideaway while enhancing their ROI.
An outdoor kitchen is on the top of the list when setting in place a plan for time spent outside. This sets the tone for the warmer weather. Time spent outside becomes days and weeks spent outside when the kitchen is brought outdoors. An outdoor kitchen can consist of just about anything the homeowner wants to put in it. A built in gas, pellet, or charcoal grill, side burners, power burners, searing stations, cabinets and drawers, lots of ingeniously planned out storage space, compact refrigerators, wine coolers, and ice makers, trash chutes, and the list goes on. For the pizza lover, an outdoor, built in pizza oven is even available!
Outdoor kitchen appliances and furniture in hundreds of styles and materials are available to assist the homeowner in making their outdoor space their own. Stainless steel and wrought iron are popular for outdoor kitchens and provide a modern look that is easy to clean and will beautifully blend with any other furnishings included in the yard.
To further enhance outdoor living and entertaining, a hot tub or even a pool are wonderful additions to an outdoor kitchen. With the installation of a totally new kitchen on the patio or deck, homeowners may consider taking the cover off the pool that has not been used since they can’t remember when, and delving into some overdue pool renovations! Maybe building a new deck around the pool is the way to go, or possibly some pool deck resurfacing. With a shiny new outdoor kitchen, it is certainly time to make the pool and all that surrounds it look new again, too!
In any town or city homeowners will easily find local swimming pool builders and contractors. Setting up a free consultation and comparing estimates from two or three good companies will only take a couple of phone calls. Swimming pool builders are also willing to provide prices for pool resurfacing, if necessary, as well as screen enclosures. Screen enclosures will not only serve to keep out unwanted pests, but will also add to the appeal of the yard.
A hot tub is always a welcome addition to a backyard. Great for relaxing alone or for offering guests a little more pleasure when entertaining, hot tubs can be installed right on the patio or deck. In addition to the pleasure and relaxation offered by owning a hot tub, there are physical benefits that can help alleviate some painful conditions. Circulation is increased and improved by the heat of the water dilating blood vessels. In addition, while in the water, where everyone experiences a measure of buoyancy, the body loses 90% of its weight, which takes tremendous stress off the joints. The jets that shoot out water within the tub provide a soothing massage that relieves both physical and emotional tension.
In addition, there are indications that insomnia is relieved by spending some time in a hot tub each week. People with arthritis, as well as other painful joint conditions, have reported that after spending time in a hot tub, joint inflammation was reduced and they found their mobility increased.
A hot tub is designed to hold more than one person at any given time. The water is not changed between every use, so it is kept clean similarly to the way any swimming pool is kept clean.